The Jesus Diet: Day 2


The Jesus Diet: Day 2



I have found that throughout this month that I've been on "The Jesus Diet" I have felt closer to Christ - as crazy as that may sound. The fact of the matter is, when you get away from processed foods and stick to only the things that are natural you do feel better. You may crave bread or pasta those first few days or even a week or two after you begin an all-natural type of diet, but eventually you do start to feel a lot better. I mean that.

I also think a part of why I feel closer to the Lord in some small way, is knowing that the exact same foods that He ate, I'm eating. And that's pretty special. I don't feel that way when I eat Oreos or Taco Bell. I know this is the second time I've brought both of those up, but that's because well...for obvious reasons. They are (without trying to sound too blasphemous) god-like foods. But usually when you're done eating 3 or 4 of those Oreos...or an entire feel guilty, gross, and sometimes, you may even feel physically sick.

When you stick to foods that are all-natural, you feel healthy, and though the first few weeks I saw no apparent changes to my body in terms of losing weight - I definitely felt healthier.

One of the reasons I started this diet, was not just to fit into my clothes - although that was a big reason. It was also to feel better. I was suffering from tons of migraines, I was achy all over constantly, I noticed I was out of breath more and more, and because of the extra weight I'd gained it was putting more pressure on my already bad back and knees. I know, I know, exercise, exercise. But, diet is just as important.

After the first three weeks of the diet, something pretty miraculous happened. I had a lot more energy. I was able to walk for miles without getting winded. I was able to stay awake longer without feeling run down. Even my migraines lessened, and I didn't get them nearly as frequently as I was.

But that came later. The hard part was getting through those first couple of weeks. Let's now look at what I ate on Day 2...

Breakfast was a creative and highly delicious treat which even the doctor loved. So much in fact, he asked for a second bite. (Keep reading to see the recipe below)

 My afternoon snack was light, yet satisfying. I took a few butter lettuce leaves, and stuffed them with some homemade hummus. Super easy and tasty.

Several hours later it was time for lunch:

Some more of the butter lettuce mixed with the remainder of the homemade hummus, and baked talipia fish (which had lemon and garlic, just like the day before)

Around 4-5 hours later, I was home, and ready for dinner. The only problem was that what I was planning to cook was going to take a really long time (I had not done my research as I should have). Therefore, starving as I was, I allowed myself a small snack before dinner. 2 pieces of the homemade flatbread, with a small bowl of the vegetable soup I'd prepared the night before.

Once dinner was done though, it was well worth the wait.

This was my very first time making lamb, and I have to say I was a little upset that such a small piece (was not only as expensive as it was, but) took so long to bake. Something like 2 and a half hours, which meant that I was eating dinner much later than I had wanted to. Nevertheless, it was the perfect amount and quite tasty. I ate a small portion of hummus along side it, with fresh arugula, 2 more pieces of the homemade flat bread with a small dollop of sheep cheese which was topped with honey and a few pine nuts. Alongside this tasty dinner was a nice glass of red wine.

I was certainly surprised to find that I was so filled up after all of that, and couldn't eat another bite of anything. Perhaps though this had something to do with eating 4 pieces of the flatbread. I didn't think much about that until the end of the week, where I made some changes. But we'll get to that soon enough...


Recipe for Breakfast:  

 Honey-Date Dip


2-3 tsp organic honey
1/2 lemon
water (eyeball it)

3-4 fresh dates (remove the seed)
handful of chopped up fresh (all natural) walnuts

1 apple


1. In a small saucepan combine the juice of 1/2 lemon, and 2 tsp honey.
2. Stir until liquid

3. In a food processor combine walnuts, dates and honey mixture (you can also add some raisins if you like)

4. set to low until smooth. 

5. Use fresh apple slices for dipping. 


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