The Jesus Diet: Day 5





Day 5 was just as exciting to start as each other day had been thus far. I was mentally prepared to keep my commitment of doing the diet for 30 days, but was worried that I might start to get bored after a while with the same ingredients. Even still, I had set out on a mission, and by God I was prepared to see it through. I was also just assuming that I could lose weight by doing this. What did I have to lose?

Breakfast consisted of 2 dates.  At lunch I hit the gym with the doctor and neglected to eat anything before leaving the office - that was a mistake. When we got back at 3 pm my stomach was yelling at me, and all that I had waiting for me was more of the French lentil-kale salad I'd made for myself the night before.  As a snack I ate 2/3 of an apple, and by the end of the day I have to admit I was kind of cranky.

Dinner though was heaven! I had recently learned that they did indeed have chicken and eggs in Jesus' day - though how they cooked either of them is still a mystery to me. But that's not the point of the diet really.  The point, aside from getting healthy, is to come up with new and interesting recipes from those ingredients. Therefore, I baked some chicken. Satisfied and full after only a small portion that evening, I went to bed ready to start the last day of the first week the next morning.


Recipe for Day 5:

Baked Chicken Thighs with Carrots & Garlic


6 small skinless, boneless chicken thighs
1 head of garlic

6 rainbow colored carrots (skin peeled and cleaned)

olive oil to taste

salt to taste 


Pre-heat oven to 425 degrees

1. In a deep pan, place tinfoil and chicken thighs on top 

2. place carrots along side chicken, and garlic (unpeeled)

3. pour a generous amount of olive oil over the chicken and most especially the garlic, and a slight amount over carrots

4. Bake for approximately 25-40 minutes depending on the size of the chicken thighs

4. add salt to the chicken


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