The China Diet: The Ingredients

It's time to start our next diet, and this one, I'm hoping anyway, will be amazing! I've been waiting for about 4 months to start this one, and am so excited to bring all the information I've been collecting about it all this time to you all. China is a fascinating place when it comes to food. So much of what we think of as "Chinese food" doesn't even really come from China - at least, not the natural elements that make up the country's culinary wonderment. And so many things that we think don't come from China, actually do. Now, because there are so many things that don't come from the country, I had to take some liberties, and again, am only using ingredients that have been available to the people of that native land for several centuries. Let's put it this way, if something I look up online, and I discover was brought to China in the 1600s, I dismiss that as being "too recent". This being said, everything that I will be eating ...