The Viking Diet: Week 1
Day 1 of the diet was fantastic.
With plain yogurt and fresh strawberries for breakfast, I was off to a good start.
My lunch was actually really delicious for as healthy as it was, if I do say so myself. I prepared grilled chicken breast, using my newest oil (which I actually really, really like, and did not think I would), and some salt for flavor...
I made a spinach salad, which included fresh honey crisp apples, the chicken breast, walnuts and a special dressing I created myself. Sauteed garlic in walnut oil with a tiny dash of apple cider vinegar. Boom. A delicious healthy salad for lunch.
Dinner was spinach which I boiled first, then placed in a skillet with garlic which had previously been sauteed with organic unsalted butter, and some salt; I added a little bit of milk to the skillet and let it evaporate in the pan before serving. On top of the spinach I had a baked salmon fillet, with garlic and honey on top. Boom. You got yourself a tasty and relatively fast dinner.
Tuesday for breakfast it was again plain yogurt with fresh strawberries...
And for lunch, the exact same thing as the day before.
Dinner was smoked salmon with scrambled eggs, and once again the sauteed spinach creation.
Wednesday, breakfast was the same, plain yogurt with fresh strawberries, and lunch was again the same salad as the two days prior.
Dinner was a pot roast with butter, thyme and red wine with salt.
On the side I sauteed some onions with leeks and served altogether.
The next morning, it was once again plain yogurt with fresh strawberries for breakfast.
Lunch however was different, and really, really delicious I must say. Baked chicken thighs with mushrooms, and on top some sauteed onions, and for a "vegetable" if you will, some green peas.
Dinner was impromptu. I had some leftover salami from the last diet, which could be used on this one as well, so I had that with some scrambled eggs with leftover sauteed onions and leeks from the night before.
The next morning it was the same breakfast as usual, plain yogurt with fresh strawberries, but this time with a few walnuts.
Lunch was the same as the day before, the chicken thighs with mushroom, sauteed onions and some peas.
And dinner, was 2 100% all-beef organic hot dogs with some sauteed onions in butter, and thyme.
The next morning I had some scrambled eggs with one of the beef hot dogs...
Lunch was baked cod with honey and garlic, and on the side the same sauteed spinach creation from earlier in the week.
Now, this is where things went awry, I'm afraid...
I know I said I allow myself like one item the week before my official cheat day...but I kind of fell off the wagon on Saturday. I'd had a really, really, really rough day on Friday and I think my stress levels were still through the roof on Saturday. I desperately yearned for some chocolate. So I had some. A lot actually. Just a little bit of Nutella, the equivalent of half a large chocolate bar...and then after dinner I had some ice cream. It was bad. If it had been a crime scene, I would have been charged with murder. But the thing is, I felt better after I ate the chocolate. The ice cream was overkill. But the chocolate was needed, and while my hips might regret it next week, I don't.
Dinner was fairly light, as I didn't want to overdo it after my explosion with sugar earlier. 2 of the beef hot dogs with a little bit of Gouda cheese, a teaspoon of organic honey and a few strawberries.
Sunday morning before I rushed out the door for church I had 1 quarter of a cup of plain yogurt with a few strawberries. When I came home I was famished and made some scrambled eggs with one of the beef hot dogs and another cup of coffee with milk.
This was my lunch, so I didn't eat again until dinner. And it was fabulous!
A beef stew which I will explain. Sauteed leeks, 1 onion, some fresh thyme and a few cloves of garlic in butter and walnut oil. After they were sauteed I removed them from the pan, adding some London broil meat (100% grass-fed, mind you), in some butter. Once the meat was browned evenly on all sides, I poured in about 1/4 glass organic red wine. I let it come to a simmer, and then added back into the pot the sauteed onions, leeks and garlic, and in addition, some chopped up carrots. I will just tell you, I wanted white carrot but Whole Foods didn't have any, and I wanted carrots, so I allowed myself orange ones in this dish.
I let the stew ... um, stew...for about 50 minutes. I added some green peas on top for color, and let's face it, taste, and served it with my favorite new wine. It was incredibly delicious!
And that is it for week 1 of The Viking Diet, everyone! I hope you've enjoyed seeing all these tasty dishes I've been making. Stay tuned for week 2, which should also be just as good!
"Eat anything that is sold in the meat market without asking questions for conscience’ sake..." - 1 Corinthians 10:25
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